Paediatric Occupational Therapist

"Without a doubt Nicky is one of the best Occupational Therapists we have ever worked with. She is extremely skilled and knowledgeable and
has a kind, gentle and extremely patient manner with the children she sees. I would whole heartedly recommend Nicky to anyone looking for a fantastic OT to work with their child."
Children's Occupational Therapy
Does your child:
Have difficulty with handwriting or keeping up with class work
Have delayed drawing and fine motor skills
Find it challenging to concentrate in class
Have difficulty responding to everyday sensory experiences (e.g. hair cutting, clothing, food textures, loud noises)
Fidget frequently and have difficulty sitting still or upright
Appear to have poor coordination during P.E. and games
- Bump into things and fall over frequently
Have delayed independence skills (e.g. dressing, feeding, organisation)
Show poor self-esteem or difficulties regulating their emotions
Do you need support to better understand your child or to work towards their goals?